Saturday, April 18, 2009


“I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think - Socrates “

He believes in empowering young minds to unleash their true potential.


He has completed his major in English from Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, India & specialised in education.

He has been an educator with over 15 years of diverse experience.Rakesh has a flair for communication and public speaking which led him into the field of Corporate Training. A never say die attitude and a natural sense of humor makes him a powerful, effective and stimulating speaker. He is a certified educationist.


Trainings Imparted:

* Behavioral

* Communication

* Culture

* Management

* Presentation Skills

* Personality Development

* Assertiveness

* Conflict management

* Creative thinking and Innovativeness

* Change Management

* Sales Training

* Customer rapport

* Time Management

* Team Work

* Negotiation Skills

* Cultural Sensitization

* Interpersonal Skills

* Leadership

* Train the Trainer

Besides being a professional in the area of education & training, He is also an 'outdoor' enthusiast.

Loves snowcapped mountains and exploring beauty of the nature. Human psychology catches his interest, as he gets thrilled by the challenge of finding his way to its understanding.



(English Coach & Independent Corporate Trainer)

Empowering Minds & Igniting Ideas

Workshops Conducted

1. Indian Institute of Financial Planning (IIFP)

2. Institute of Management Education (IME)

3. ABN AMRO Bank

4. Doosan

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