Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Love & Hate

“What would happen if two scorpions were put in a ring of fire?” It is said that, if they got together and made love they would survive to live forever but if they fought they would sting and die together. Neither love nor hate could ever part them for life as their feelings would last for an eternity.

Love & Hate are the two sides of the same coin. They will always go together and be there for each other no matter what the situations or the circumstance. Understanding this is paramount as we live with it and have to know more about it. As in love one tends to oversee many a faults and shortcomings in hate we do not miss even the slightest opportunity to put someone down. So what should one do? As both these feelings are within and are as powerful as the other it becomes necessary to overcome one for the other. The need to love should never be allowed to be overcome by hate.

Why do we love? It is better understood when we know why we should not hate. The loss, the humiliation, the absence of someone, the rejection are some of the reasons why hate gains momentum over love. You could love someone and suddenly the same person can be the epicenter of hate. This is where restraint must be applied to accept and move on. A very difficult thing to do but it helps in the long run. Is it not also true that we tend to hate the ones we love most? It is because we care but what about someone who cares not? Well, he/she will carry on loving and hating and loosing precious moments in life that will never come again. Their love is a specter of convenience only to last as long as the concerned work is pending. No sooner the work is done then the love is out of the window awaiting the next customer. It’s just a trade.

How often, when we look at ourselves, we tend to feel bored and lonely. This is because we have not seen the deeper layers of our self and the needs and desires that lead us to experience the non available. This boredom and loneliness can lead to the devil in us rising to the occasion. Our feelings are sometimes so shallow that we live for the moment and refuse to see the brighter tomorrow. Love is a four letter word like any other but does that mean we should hate everyone or take our revenge for the loss we have suffered? Moving towards hate is like slowly running into quicksand only to find your inner self sinking step by step, deeper and deeper, into nothingness.

The case of the two scorpions is a case not to be taken lightly. Only when each recognizes the other and they show respect for each other can there be any semblance of love and togetherness. To fool one would be a folly and eventually you would be fooling your own self just for pride and selfish stubbornness. Can this pride ever make you what you are really capable off? Never, not in a thousand lives.

My advice to you is: Be kind and learn to accept love for the sake of one’s self esteem and self respect. We will always get what we give, an old saying, but very true.

"The first step in life is the most important one, so take it now."


Happiness is not a matter of good fortune or worldly possessions.
It's a mental attitude.
It comes from appreciating what we have, instead of being miserable about what we don't have.
It's so simple-yet so hard for the human mind to comprehend.

People Management Perfect the Art of Sharing Delegation the path to success .

" What separates those who achieve from those who do not is in direct proportion to one's ability to ask for help".

- Donald Keough, former President of Coco-Cola

Who determines the management skills imperative for success, the managers, the management or an individual's inherent talent and abilities? History and the experience of great leaders show it's the skills and talent of an individual.

A critical issue often ignored when calculating success is delegation. Delegation is rightly called the fundamental of management skills, a prerequisite to lead a successful personal and professional life.

Delegation is the ability to effectively assign the responsibility and authority of a task to another person or group of people. It defines the fundamental skill of a manager, the ability to get work done.

It's fait accompli that managers rarely understand this 'critical skill' or practice it. This 'delegation deficiency' must be cured if managers wish to succeed.

Why delegate?
Business owners or managers are responsible for various activities related to their business. These activities may require a lot more time than they can afford, hindering professional growth. Hence, the need to delegate.

For instance, Brad a recently promoted accounts manager of a company was well versed in all account related tasks and considered a master of all work. This actually proved a disadvantageous. Brad never found time to perform his new managerial tasks. He was always engrossed in resolving the less important issues of his subordinates, his earlier peers.

The key...
Only after a coaching session with his senior did Brad realise that his ready acceptance of his subordinates' duties stunted both his and their growth.

Effective delegation
To be efficient managers must cure the deficiency of delegation.

Right fit!
Before delegating, the manager must ensure that the employee is trained for the task. For appropriate training, the strengths and weakness of the person and the personality need consideration. Thus, managers should be sensitive to the talents and skills of the person.

Information: The basic guidelines while delegating work is the information necessary for the delegatee to execute the work. The resources necessary must be planned. Managers must provide their delegatees (the person accepting the work) the basic guidelines and necessary information to execute the work.

All yours!
Empowerment is necessary for effective delegation. Once the work is delegated, the delegatee must be given the autonomy to execute the job. This will heighten not only the interest of the employee and realisation of satisfaction but also success.

Delegation relates to the responsibility of the work not the work itself. 'Too many cooks spoil the broth', so does delegation of the same work to too many people. In delegation the results accomplished and the not the process followed are important.

However, tasks that depend heavily on intricate technologies, may stress on the approach adopted to accomplish them. The delegatee must have the liberty to exercise his initiatives.

Two-way road:
Lack of dialogue between the managers and the delegatee may lead to confusion and waste of resources. A frank discussion of the problem / task may help formulate a quick and better plan for the execution.

I am there!
The delegatee may come up with his own way of work and get confused at times. The manager's support is crucial at such times. This boosts the employee's confidence in himself and in the superior.

During the discussions, managers must help resolve the problems and encourage the delegatee to share his views.

Ensuring the employee's accountability is manager's responsibility. He must get a regular update of the progress of the work delegated.

The delegatee may be empowered when the manager is able to execute the work perfectly. Manager's guidance should not prove to be a roadblock in the execution of the work. Interference may hinder progress of the work and may not yield the desired outcomes.

Rewards and recognition ought to be given to the person for achieving the set goal. The credit of an unsuccessful project ought to be shared by the manager. They must consider mistakes as an investment.

Taking the credit...
Dr. Abdul Kalam was the Mission director for India's first satellite launch vehicle project. But the project was a failure in its first attempt. Prof.Satish Dhawan of ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation) organised a press meet and announced " Friends, today we had our first Satellite launch vehicle to put satellite in the orbit, we could not succeed. It is our first mission of proving multiple technologies in satellite and satellite launch vehicles. In many technologies we have succeeded and a few more we have to succeed, above all I realise my team members have to be given all the technological support. I am going to do that and the next mission will succeed".

After the success of the mission in the second attempt a similar press conference was organised and Dr. Abdul Kalam addressed the conference to announce the mission's success. Dr Kalam rightly pointed out that-

" When success comes in after hard work the leader should give the credit for the success to the team members. When failure comes the leaders should absorb the failures and protect the team members".

"There will be failure in a system, failure in a project, failure in the procurement action or failure in the administrative action even failure in the political system. It is vital to protect the team immediately after a failure from the onslaught effect of failures. We should celebrate the success of individuals and team equally".

Win-win situation
A win -win situation provides better scope for learning, helps the delegatee acquire new skills and explore new avenues and solutions. Above all it saves time and resources.

Resistance to change is a common phenomenon. Resistance could arise from:

Organisations' culture is built over years of effort. Lack of a proactive culture hinders effective delegation. The manager should install a culture that appreciates the significance of delegation. Employees must realise that delegation of work is both a learning experience and a growth opportunity.

Reverse delegation may take place where the employee may intelligently pass on the job sighting ignorance as a reason. Subordinates' rejection of responsibility may be due to lack of trust in the superior, lack of confidence in himself and the superior or lack of interest in the activity assigned besides lack of understanding of the process.

Remedy ...
Managers can avert such situations by building a friendly and informal rapport with their subordinates. Regular interaction and building up employee confidence by acknowledging their contribution to various activities other than his basic duties. This installs confidence in the employee and encourages him. Tough tasks could be delegated upon successful completion of simple tasks. The step-by-step process builds employee creativity and enthusiasm.

Thought process
Employees must be encouraged to think positively. With superiors' support and skills and knowledge combined with rewards and recognition employees can develop positive thinking.

The process of delegation thus requires managers to understand the need for it and master the art and foster professional growth. Through effective delegation managers can cultivate a work environment that develops future leaders, time essential for execution of critical tasks and for planning of new projects. Above all it creates a motivated workforce.


Out of the blue


Suddenly and unexpectedly

If someone does something or something happens out of the blue, it happens suddenly and surprises you because you didn't expect it.


Late last summer, out of the blue, Sue announced she was getting married and leaving her home country soon. We were all shocked to hear that.

We had been told it would be sunny all day, so we went hiking. However, it started to pour (rain heavily) out of the blue in the afternoon..

Out of the frying pan and into the fire


This idiom is used to say that someone gets out of a difficult or bad situation, but eventually goes into a more difficult or worse one.

If you say "Out of the frying pan and into the fire", you mean someone has moved from a bad or difficult situation to a worse one.


If the government accepts his new proposal, the nation will be jumping out of the frying pan into the fire. ( = It will make the situation worse.)

A: I've finally finished my assignment. It was very difficult, but the next one looks much harder.
B: Out of the frying pan and into the fire..
Be over the hill

To be too old to do something.

If you call someone to be over the hill, you say rudely that he/she is old and no longer attractive or productive, not suitable for something, or not capable of doing something useful.


Sam, a famous football player, has decided to retire next year. Although he is only 34, he thinks he is over the hill as an athlete.

At the age of 85, she says she's never felt she's over the hill. She always finds something good she can do for other people.
Pop the question

To ask someone to marry you

Culturally, it is usually the man who pops the question to a woman.


Steve has been dating Stephanie for two years. He decides that he wants to marry her. He is very nervous though, so he goes to ask advice from his best friend Eric.

"I think I'm going ask Stephanie to marry me. What do you think I should do?" asks Steve.

"You've decided to pop the question? That's wonderful! I think you should buy her roses and take her out for a nice dinner," replies Eric.
Play it by ear

Decide what to do or say according to a situation as it develops.

If you play it by ear, you act by responding a situation as it happens, rather than following a plan you made in advance.


We can't plan for today's interview. Let's just go and play it by ear.

They can't predict what will happen in tomorrow's game, so they decided to play it by ear.
Pop quiz

A short test that is given in class without any warning beforehand.

A pop quiz is a quiz (a short test) that your teacher gives you without any advance notice to check if you have been studying.


Mrs. Jones, an ELC teacher, is famous for giving her students a lot of pop quizzes.
Put all your (my, their, etc.) eggs into one basket

Depend totally on one single person or course of action.

If you put all your eggs into one basket, you put all your energy and time to one thing or purpose. If it fails, you will have no other possibilities left.

I know you really want to go to BYU, but don't put all your eggs into one basket. Apply to a few other colleges too.

I'll invest my money in several companies, not this one only. I don't want to put all my eggs into one basket.

Eleven Great Ways to Reduce Stress

Stress is a big challenge in life nowadays. The sources of stress are many and the helpful ways to reduce stress are also plentiful. Common symptoms of stress include skin problems, impotence, stomach ulcers, high blood pressure, fatigue, insomnia and frustration.

We don't need to set a time to reduce stress, we need to incorporate some strategies in our daily life routine to prevent stress and reduce its effect on the body.

Here are 11 simple steps we can easily take to reduce stress:

1. Define your goals: we must define our life goals and begin to achieve these goals; this action will support us against stress because we will feel that we know what our life purpose is and why, and that we control our own lives.

2. Take control of your diet: we can use simple ways in our diet plans to reduce stress by avoiding some stimulants such as coffee, alcohol, tea and sugar and we can use chamomile tea as an alternative because of its calming and relaxing effect. We need to eat slowly in a calm environment to allow our digestive system to work well. We can use honey as an alternative to sugar but in small amounts (one or two spoonfuls per day).

3. Take hot baths regularly: after a very busy day or when we feel that we need to relax (I do this three times a week). You can take a hot bath by sitting in warm to hot water and the water level should be above the waist, using lavender oil can also enhance this relaxing experience.

4. Aromatherapy: in the office you can use aromatherapy to relax and avoid stress. One of the best ways is to use lavender oil on a source of heat and take in the scent; this is a great way to relax during the day when you need it the most.

5. Exercise: This is one of the important things you can do which will reduce stress and bring happiness. When we exercise, our brains release substances which bring feelings of happiness and relaxation; we need engage in some exercise regularly such as walking, dancing or swimming.

6. Breathing techniques: Yoga, meditation and Tai Chi all use deep breathing techniques. To meditate, simply sit with closed eyes and concentrate on your breathing. Breathing deeply regularly is great for health and from there, you can learn various other breathing techniques to gain enhanced benefits.

7. Relaxation techniques and self hypnotherapy: we can easily do this after the hot bath to relax even more, simply sit or lie down in a comfortable place with your eyes closed, imagine there is a spot light above your head and concentrate on it, then concentrate on your body part by part and try to relax the body and feel the relaxation deepening -- you can also use a self hypnotherapy audio tape to help in this process.

8. Massage: this is a great way to reduce stress, I do this when other ways fail, I feel better after receiving a massage. You can get a professional massage or you can simply ask your partner to massage you.

9. Spiritual healing: prayers and the act of helping others are very important components for happiness and stress reduction. You will feel calmer and have a sense of inner peace.

10. Talking through your problems: talking about your feelings acts as a releasing mechanism and you will soon find that talking about your problems with your partner or best friend may help the solution to the problem come to light and will help to release blocked emotions.

11. Multivitamins: I take a Vitamin B complex regularly to decrease stress and this has been a great help in my stress reduction.

I hope that you find these suggestions helpful, my hope in sharing this information with you is that you can benefit from it. Reading about this is not enough to reduce stress, you must take action.

story on TEAM SPIRIT.

Presenting a beautiful story on TEAM SPIRIT.

There was a farmer who grew superior quality and award-winning corn. Each year he entered his corn in the state fair where it won honour and prizes.
One year a newspaper reporter interviewed him and learnt something interesting about how he grew it. The reporter discovered that the farmer shared his seed corn with his neighbours'.
"How can you afford to share your best seed corn with your neighbours when they are entering corn in competition with yours each year?" the reporter asked.
"Why sir, "said the farmer, "didn't you know? The wind picks up pollen from the ripening corn and swirls it from field to field. If my neighbours grow inferior, sub-standard and poor quality corn, cross-pollination will steadily degrade the quality of my corn.
If I am to grow good corn, I must help my neighbours grow good corn."
The farmer gave a superb insight into the connectedness of life. His corn cannot improve unless his neighbour's corn also improves. So it is in the other dimensions! Those who choose to be at harmony must help their neighbours and colleagues to be at peace... Those who choose to live well must help others to live well. The value of a life is measured by the lives it touches.
So share the good practices, ideas, new learning's with your family, team members, neighbours. All the Successes is a Team Work of a family, group, enterprise, corporation. .. Infect TEAM as an acronym of letters T, E , A, M
T Together
E Everyone
A Achieves
M More

Share this Simple but meaningful story
with all your well wishers

Turning Annoyances into Opportunities

A couple went on their honeymoon to a cottage in a peaceful and lovely mountain setting. Unfortunately, the peaceful atmosphere was upset by an annoying woodpecker, which kept pecking away on the roof of the cottage. The young groom tried a number of times to chase the woodpecker away, but he kept coming back. The young couple decided to make the most of the situation and they named the bird, "Woody Woodpecker."

It just so happened that the young groom was a cartoonist and he decided to create a cartoon series about "Woody Woodpecker." The young man pitched the idea to a couple of Hollywood movie studios and met with rejection, and finally acceptance. This young man, by the name of Walter Lantz, worked hard on creating the cartoon character named after that pesky woodpecker. For over sixty years now, that loveable character has entertained millions of people who have watched the star of his own cartoon series.

How often does an annoyance in our lives turn into an opportunity for us? How often do we chase away the annoyances without stopping to really look at them? Is it possible that there are "Woody Woodpeckers" that present themselves to us, ready to be used to bring riches, enjoyments and pleasure to our self and others?

How would we identify one of those opportunities that presents itself to us? To answer that question, we can look to many of the products and services that we use and enjoy that arose out of some lack or annoyance in our lives. What about books that have been written by people who are attempting to heal some aspect of them self, and by writing about it have helped millions of others.

When faced with a recurring irritation in your life, take a moment to reflect upon how you might use this situation to your advantage. Name it, claim it, and use it to the benefit of yourself and others.

It is not what happens to us that is important. It is what we do with each situation in our life that matters.


"I will remain ever vigilant to opportunities, which come to me disguised as complications or irritations. I will make good use of it and try to bring joy to others at the same time."


In today's competitive world, I wonder how much time we spend for our family, those whom we say are the most important people in our lives. Guess this article will make us give a bit more time to our family, if we are not doing so now.


I ran into a stranger as he passed by "Oh, excuse me please" was my reply. He said, "Please excuse me too; I wasn't watching for you."

We were very polite, this stranger and I, We went on our way and we said good-bye. But at home a different story is told, how we treat our loved ones, young and old. Later that day, cooking the evening meal, my son stood beside me very still. When I turned, I nearly knocked him down. "Move out of the way, "I said with a frown. He walked away, his little heart broken.

I didn't realize how harshly I'd spoken.

While I lay awake in bed, God's still small voice came to me and said, "While dealing with a stranger, common courtesy you use, but the children you love, you seem to abuse. Go look on the kitchen floor, you'll find some flowers there by the door. Those are the flowers he brought for you. He picked them himself; pink yellow and blue. Earn money with Scour!

He stood very quietly not to spoil the surprise, and you never saw the tears that filled his little eyes.".

By this time, I felt very small, and now my tears began to fall. I quietly went and knelt by his bed; "Wake up, little one, wake up, "I said, "Are these the flowers you picked for me?" He smiled, "I found 'em out by the tree. I picked 'em because they're pretty like you. I know you'd like 'em, especially the blue."

I said, "Son, I'm very sorry for the way I acted today; I shouldn't have yelled at you that way."

He said, "Oh, Mom, that's okay. I love you anyway."

I said, "Son, I love you too, and I do like the flowers, especially the blue".

Are you aware that if we died tomorrow, the company that we are working for could easily replace us in a matter of days. But the family we left behind will feel the loss for the rest of their lives. And come to think of it, we pour ourselves more into work than to your own family, an unwise investment indeed, don't you think?

So what is behind the story? Do you know what the word FAMILY means?

FAMILY = (F) ATHER (A) ND (M) OTHER, (I), (L) OVE, (Y) OU.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009



Please find the Module details of the workshop...

The training in soft skills has two parts. One part involves developing attitudes and attributes, and the other part involves fine-tuning communication skills to express attitudes, ideas, and thoughts well. Crucial to successful work is the perfect integration of ideas and attitudes with appropriate communication skills in oral, written, and non-verbal areas. Attitudes and skills are integral to soft skills. Each one influences and complements the other.

Grooming of the students begins with a preliminary test in the English language to determine their level of competence in the use of English for effective communication both oral and written. The idea is to ensure that students are oriented to understand that a manager's key job is to be able to express himself/herself clearly, correctly, and concisely. Thus Personality Development through Soft Skills Training is conducted in three modules:
Module I : Business Communication
Module II : Behavioral Skills
Module III : Training in Group Discussion and Personal Interview

Soft Skills Module I: Business Communication
Module I
Students get a chance to learn the nuances of English for business purposes. Business letter writing, memos, reports and e-mails form the core of the training. Rirgorous training is also given in oral communication through different modules like presentation skills, face-to-face dialogues, telephone etiquette, business and social etiquette, and conversational skills.
This module covers the following areas:
Business Communication: Communications skills, current English usage, debates, language games, situational dialogues, précis writing, essay writing, presentations.
Presentation Skills: Preparing for effective presentations, presentation for small groups and large groups, marketing and business presentations.
Business Correspondence: Principles of clear writing, often misused words, applications and requests, positive and negative responses to requests, routine messages, memos, report writing, organizing meetings, preparation of agenda and minutes, business etiquette, telephone etiquette, e-mail etiquette.
Benefits from the Training
The ability to communicate clearly and concisely is an advantage to a promising manager. The students will soon realize that fluency and command over speaking and writing gives them an edge while interacting with people at all levels.

Module II

An array of skills related to personal growth for efficient functioning constitutes the training. Students are made to realize their strengths and weaknesses so that they are able to grasp the true essence of development. They are made to take part in role plays, games, and puzzles that demonstrate the attributes needed for assertiveness, interpersonal relationships, negotiations, time and goal management, leadership skills, and conflict management.
This module covers the following areas:
Psychological Tests: Aptitude and personality assessment, suggestions for improvement.
Team Skills: Team building and leadership, evolution of groups into teams, group dynamics, emergence of leadership, intra-group dynamics, inter-group dynamics, conflict management, inter dependency, assessment of team-based projects.
Time Management: Pareto's Principle, Parkinson's Laws, Murphy's Laws, Law of Clutter, prioritization, goal setting, effective time management.
Interpersonal Skills: Negotiations, listening skills, social skills, assertive skills, cross-cultural communications.
Leadership Skills: Concepts of leadership, leadership styles, insights from great leaders.
Benefits from the Training
Self-awareness programs enhance the students' personalities. They get to realize that punctuality, goal management, collaborative team skills, and listening skills, are important facets of a well-rounded personality. These soft skills are enormously valued in business organizations. As employment conditions become tougher, potential recruiters look for personal attributes like attitude and values.

Module III
Before the students go through real job interviews, they are made to go through a series of practice sessions on GD and PI. If possible these sessions are videotaped and later played back so that the students can see for themselves if their verbal and non-verbal messages are in synchrony and make for meaningful communication. For the practice sessions in personal interviews, industry experts' questions are asked.Feedback is given to the students later for a realistic understanding of industry expectations.

This module covers the following areas :
Career Visioning and Planning
Selection Process: Overview of selection process, practice of psychological tests, effective resume writing, dealing with placement consultants and headhunters, references – how to get effective references from past and current employers.
Group Discussions: Concepts and Practice.
Interview Techniques: Effective interview techniques, mock interviews, stress interviews, review and feedback.
Benefits from the Training
All management students aspire to obtain fulfilling and rewarding campus placements. How the students fare in the campus placement interviews depends on how well they are able to internalize the personality development techniques. If they internalize the techniques thoroughly, they have a good chance of getting great placements.
The teaching methods in the soft skills training include lectures, projects, role plays, quizzes, and various other participatory sessions. The emphasis will be on learning by doing.
Since the method of training is experiential and highly interactive, the students imbibe the skills and attributes in a gradual and subtle way over the duration of the program. The students will not only learn the skills and attributes but also internalize them over a period of time.
Internalization ensures that the skills and attributes become part of the students' nature. Subtle changes are bound to occur in their behavior and outlook, and these will make them more self-assured and confident. Moreover, the behavior changes will be gradual and natural and will not appear artificial or put on. Thus, the changes in them will be genuine and positive.

With thanks and regards!

(English Coach & Independent Corporate Trainer)
Empowering Minds & Igniting Ideas…

PS-As I am looking forward to a long term association, the workshop fee being quoted here is just an indicative of my sense of its being at least economically viable .Hence Rs. 2000.00 per hour is acceptable to me if its in the town (Delhi NCR), and in case of outstation workshop accommodation facility and travel expenses to be borne by the company. (A day has six hours of training workshop in two shifts of three hours each besides an hour lunch break in between).Each module needs at least 5 days workshop.

Saturday, April 18, 2009


“I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think - Socrates “

He believes in empowering young minds to unleash their true potential.


He has completed his major in English from Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, India & specialised in education.

He has been an educator with over 15 years of diverse experience.Rakesh has a flair for communication and public speaking which led him into the field of Corporate Training. A never say die attitude and a natural sense of humor makes him a powerful, effective and stimulating speaker. He is a certified educationist.


Trainings Imparted:

* Behavioral

* Communication

* Culture

* Management

* Presentation Skills

* Personality Development

* Assertiveness

* Conflict management

* Creative thinking and Innovativeness

* Change Management

* Sales Training

* Customer rapport

* Time Management

* Team Work

* Negotiation Skills

* Cultural Sensitization

* Interpersonal Skills

* Leadership

* Train the Trainer

Besides being a professional in the area of education & training, He is also an 'outdoor' enthusiast.

Loves snowcapped mountains and exploring beauty of the nature. Human psychology catches his interest, as he gets thrilled by the challenge of finding his way to its understanding.



(English Coach & Independent Corporate Trainer)

Empowering Minds & Igniting Ideas

Workshops Conducted

1. Indian Institute of Financial Planning (IIFP)

2. Institute of Management Education (IME)

3. ABN AMRO Bank

4. Doosan